Chin Puckering – Chin Inversion – Chin Contraction in Overbite


The mouth is not only the prime focal point of the lower face, but also the most dynamic, with forty muscles working overtime to convey our emotions. Most patients seeking treatment are looking to eliminate a rough texture that has developed on the front area of their chin due to a hyperactive mentalis muscle. This condition is called crêping, but is most commonly referred to as an “orange peel” (hence the name) or “golf ball” chin.




BTX and other cosmetic treatments targeting these muscles can result in significant aesthetic improvements.
Also known as chin-tox, BTX injections to the chin can help give it a smoother, less dimpled appearance.

What Chin Issues Can BTX Fix?

Skin smoothening injections, known as BTX is the quickest and simplest treatment available to correct the appearance of dimples (mentalis strain) or wrinkling, as well as crêping of the skin, by relaxing the musculature in the chin area.

Peau d’Orange and Chin Dimpling

Most patients seeking treatment are looking to eliminate a rough texture that has developed on the front area of their chin due to a hyperactive mentalis muscle. This condition is called crêping, but is most commonly referred to as an “orange peel” (hence the name) or “golf ball” chin.

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HYDROBOOSTER will not stop you from puckering but will smooth the unwanted, already formed lines.

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Consult your Dentist for possible bite correction treatments if this is the case. Relax your chin Train your face Smile more often Relax more often Get a face massage Make sure you have the appropriate skin routine at the morning and evening. Every day counts! Meditate for 10 min Avoid direct sun exposure. Keep your hands clean Do not smoke Avoid alcohol Eat well, eat organic! Take your skin supplements like it is your religion. Exercise, do what you like but keep moving! Find the time to relax Moisturise your skin well before sleep Get your 8 hours sleep Meditate before sleep