Platelet Rich Plasma

Our body has an amazing ability to heal and regenerate itself naturally. Our blood consists of red cells, white cells and plasma. Red cells transport the nutrients to our organs. White cells fight the bacterias and viruses. Plasma contains all of the goodness we take in from food every day: minerals, vitamins and platelets. Your body uses platelets and growth factors, found in plasma, to initiate and control the healing process.
The Most Natural and Baseline Treatment – Vampire!

What is Platelet Rich Plasma?

The moment you cut your skin, all you see is blood – those are red blood cells. After the bleeding stops, you’ll see a yellow bit “gluing” your skin together and that is our wonderful plasma.

During the infamous Vampire Treatment, Platelet Rich Plasma containing: platelets, minerals, vitamins and growth factors is used for the healing response to the damaged tissue which occurred either through the ageing process or any recent mechanical injuries / scars.

Platelet Rich Plasma injections improve your skin texture, colour, increases fibrin and collagen growth. The skin looks fresher, youthful and glowing.

After injection, plasma will be absorbed within 3 days. During this time you should not expose your skin to any strong chemicals. Over the next 3 to 6 weeks stem cells will work in your skin continuing visible repair and healing.

The process ensures visible results from one to one and a half years depending on your lifestyle. Repeated procedures will lay additional processes of growing collagen, fibrin and elastin on top of the first process. That ensures even better results.

Will my wrinkles disappear?
Plasma injections will improve the appearance of fine lines and overall visage of the face

Will it improve dark circles and puffiness under my eyes?
Yes, to some point, dependable on the stage of damage occuring.

Shown here are before (left) and after (right) views of actual patients. It’s important to remember that every patient responds differently to treatment. However, these photos will illustrate the changes that are possible with these procedure.
Can I have it done on my neck?
Yes, PRP can be done on every part of your body.

Is this treatment for me?
Anyone at the age between 18 and 100 years old can have this treatment done considering it is a healthy person. Person taking systemic medication will be recommended a combination of treatments for better results – look up Dracula Treatment.

Do I have to repeat the treatment?
The beauty of Vampires is… you know! Once Vampire – Always Vampire!
From the scientific point of view, the treatment can be repeated every 6 weeks. The consultation will determine on the frequency of treatments, depending on the stage of damage of your skin and your expectations.

Kornelia Hauck has been specialised in the process of Platelet Rich Plasma treatment to enhance and restore the skin of all body areas specially the face, neck and hands. She developed it to a Signature Treatment and is able to rejuvenate your skin by isolating elements from your blood which can then be injected to treat the whole face with particular emphasis on the problem zones. Before the treatment you’ll be advised on particular vitamin regimen and nourishment.

The PRP kits we are using have been developed by T-Biotechnology Laboratory Aesthetics and Co in 2012, T- LAB.

The Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Procedure

After determining that the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment is right for you, a small amount of your blood will be drawn, similar to having basic blood tests at your doctor’s office. This will then be used to prepare the PRP in a 15 minute process. During that time, the areas to be treated will be cleansed and prepared for the procedure.


Once this is done, the platelet rich plasma (PRP) is injected into the skin to be treated. Serum received from poor platelet plasma (PPR) are then applied to these areas. The entire process typically takes no more than 35-45 minutes.

Effects decrease in heavy smokers or alcohol use.

You should not undergo the treatment if you have the following :

  • Skin Disorders – eg. SLE, Porphyria
  • Cancer
  • Chemotherapy
  • Any severe metabolic or systemic disorders
  • Haemathological disorder, especially abnormal platelet counts or function
  • Anti-coagulation therapy
  • Any drugs or therapy resulting in immune suppression
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • Steroid therapy
  • Ongoing infection

What To Expect After Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment

Immediately after treatment with platelet rich plasma (PRP), the treated area might get slightly swollen and red; this typically fades in a 30 min.

Bruising is possible, however if advice on vitamin regimen is taken as recommended the risks are minimal. In case any bruising occur Arnica cream can be helpful.

Treatment with Kornelia is relatively painless due to her skills and if needed can be treated with ice compress.

You should not touch your face or sweat for 6 hours after the treatment.

Avoid sauna, steam and sun bed for three days.

No laser or any other needling treatments for the next 6 weeks

Platelet Rich Plasma needs time to work her way up for the improvement to be visible. It is a long and slow process, therefore the day after the treatment the treated area looks great but the actual results are to expect after 3-6 weeks.


INP Kornelia Hauck

INP Kornelia Hauck

Kornelia Hauck is an Independent and Supplementary Nurse Prescriber and Holistic Practitioner, specialising in Aesthetics. Kornelia has been practising nursing for over 25 years since graduating from Tychy Medical High School in 1989. Curious by nature, she wanted to explore different cultures and soon found herself working for Red Cross Germany - DRK e.V.

In Berlin, she developed immense empathy skills and willingness to help others. At her work for Golders Green Nursing as a private nurse, she also learned holistic ways of treating patients and earned ITEC level three certification from City and Islington college with the Federation of Holistic Therapists membership. Her interest in education and natural ways of healing didn't stop there. In 2012, she was certified Platelet Rich Plasma Technician at Medics Direct before eventually becoming owner and director of former Korniahealth, now widely known as Perpetual Aesthetics. Furthermore, she continued her professional development in Aesthetics with Wigmore Medical to eventually become advanced Aesthetics Practitioner. At the University of Bedfordshire, she achieved her masters in nursing with the title: Independent and Supplementary Nurse Prescriber.

You can reach her at or on Instagram @kornelia_hauck

INP Kornelia Hauck is a founder of Perpetual Aesthetics Ltd. located at London's prestigious Harley Street where she currently performs her signature aesthetics treatments.

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