It is a CE MEDICAL DEVICE experimented over the years and covered by an international patent. Applied with a specific technique, provides immediate aesthetic improvement and deep hydration. Repeating the treatment once a week for the necessary number of sessions, the aesthetic effect is enhanced. Its unique because it combines the effects of H2O2 and high concentration of TCA.


• painless, no needle
• effective, natural effect
• no downtime
• it can also be used in the summer time
• 10-15 minutes necessary to perform the
• provides immediate palpable firming
• safe


• loss of skin tone from face, neck
and chest (photo and chrono-aging)
• décolletage skin firming

Main Features

• no-needle topical application; no frosting
• stimulate the skin’s regenerative process
• the formulation containing H2O2 and TCA
doesn’t cause frosting or desquamation
in the days following the treatment

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