Laughter Lines
Laughter lines are the most beautiful lines we can get. I want you to smile, I want you to laugh. It is a sign of health and happiness. Unfortunately, with age, the skin loses its elasticity; and collagen formation decreases. On top of that, the hydration often comes into question.
Ready to Make a Change?
Please click a one of the buttons on the right to see all of our treatments and what conditions they treat.
Make sure you have the appropriate skin routine in the morning and evening.
Every day counts!
Meditate for 10 min after you wake up
Treat your skin to breakfast with a refreshing or anti-ageing mask
Use makeup only by a big occasion. Try BB cream for every day instead, it is much lighter and it has an SPF factor.
Avoid direct sun exposure.
Keep your hands clean
Do not smoke
Avoid alcohol
Eat well, eat organic!
Take your skin supplements like it is your religion.
Exercise, do what you like but keep moving!
Find the time to relax Get your face massaged
Moisturise your skin well before sleep
Get your 8 hours sleep
Meditate before sleep
Every day counts!
Meditate for 10 min after you wake up
Treat your skin to breakfast with a refreshing or anti-ageing mask
Use makeup only by a big occasion. Try BB cream for every day instead, it is much lighter and it has an SPF factor.
Avoid direct sun exposure.
Keep your hands clean
Do not smoke
Avoid alcohol
Eat well, eat organic!
Take your skin supplements like it is your religion.
Exercise, do what you like but keep moving!
Find the time to relax Get your face massaged
Moisturise your skin well before sleep
Get your 8 hours sleep
Meditate before sleep