Thin Lips
Thin Lips are usually caused by:
UV exposure
The habit of puckering or biting your lips
The lips enhance facial beauty, and they have been highlighted since time immemorial. Rejuvenating the
lips with fillers, frequently hyaluronic acid (HA), is a common procedure but requires expertise. The lip region is an extremely important area when it comes to facial aesthetic enhancement. The Lips have since time immemorial been highlighted along with the eyes as the two most beautiful regions of a woman’s or a man’s face.
With the passage of time, photo-damage, hereditary factors, and smoking contribute to loss of lip volume, perioral rhytides, and the prominence of nasolabial folds. Genetically thin lips and cosmetic asymmetries of the lips are also issues that can be dealt with similarly, that is, by soft tissue augmentations using fillers. Successful rejuvenation of the perioral region requires sophistication, in using a combination of technologies and injectables.
Lip augmentation consists of the reshaping and/or enlargement of the visible portion of the lip, the vermilion. Alteration of the shape of the Cupid’s bow, and of the relationship between the vermilion and the skin underlying the nasal columella also falls within the category of lip augmentation.
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Now with the help of technology, you can get any type of lips you want there are many Lip Plumping Products which helps you get plumper lips.
So if you want to have fuller lips you can opt for these products. These products also give younger looks to your lips. Ask your practitioner.